Earth Runners Heel Sleeve

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our newest Earth Runners accessory: the Heel Sleeve. We left no stone unturned during the R&D process; we tested every material, design, and crafting method we could think of!
We tested leather, mushroom 'leather,' microfiber, and more. We tried different shapes, binding techniques, sleeve heights and widths, and slot locations & styles.
All of this in the pursuit of designing a sandal accessory that would bring the most comfort, ease of use, & security to soles around the world.

The Heel Sleeve design we landed on, after much testing, features vegan-friendly, wicking & non-slip performance materials to increase comfort and security.
Our 1” wide heel sleeve design diffuses heel strap security over a wider area. Our heel sleeve is best combined with our double wrapped lace routing technique to help maintain higher heel strap altitude.

The best candidates for our heel sleeve are avid adventures who regular variable terrain and seek improved heel comfort going up hills, and is also appreciated by those who experience heel discomfort or are looking to upgrade their adventure sandal performance and ease of taking the sandals on and off!