Sean Haber

Hometown: Honsedale, PA
Current town: Jerusalem, Israel
Main Activities: The sport of life. Anything movement or sports oriented I will be there.
Loves: Nature, animals, Pushing my comfort zone, education, movement
Advice: Spend more time doing 1 active thing that has multiple passive things. (i.e walking barefoot, sun exposure, nasal breathing)
Spirit Animal: real one LION ROAR, fake one, dragons (wait dragons are real right?)
Relaxation: Hiking, Sauna, Reading
Favorite Food: Cinnamon buns gimme gimme
Favorite Place: A natural spring in the winter, slack lining by my tree on weekends
Work: Strength and performance coach, Barefoot educator. I work with team Israel in flag football and run a S & C facility
Quirks: I'm the barefoot dude, also uber fantasy nerd.
Favorite book: Boundless by Ben Greenfield, Move your DNA, any fantasy novel
Favorite Podcasts: The cold feet podcast (shameless plug in right there)
Favorite quote: Shoot for the stars for if you fall you will land on the moon.
Inspired by: I wake up every morning with my inner fire roaring to either conquer the world or help create it, I chose creation
% of waking life spent in Earth Runners: 60% barefoot, 35% earth runners.
Advice for those new to minimalist footwear, wanting to try Earth Runners: People considering sandaling up be smart, be safe, start slow. You’re not gonna start with the thinnest model if you're new to barefoot, barefoot is a journey don't rush it. Spend plenty of time mobilizing and strength training to restore foot function.
Favorite athletic accomplishment from last year: Leading team Israel into 9th place in the world in flag football as the head strength and conditioning coach. Being named defensive captain and leading in sacks in the local tackle football team.
Active goals for this year: Get to a 1 armed pull-up, Be the first person to do the whole Israel trail barefoot (with my handy ERs as a backup)
Follow: YouTube, @Thebarefootshoereview, @The.barefootathlete, Facebook